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Surabi Susu Coklat Surabi Imut |
Ingin makan camilan? Mungkin anda bisa mencoba camilan yang satu ini. Beberapa hari yang lalu saya berkunjung ke sebuah warung yang terletak di dekat pasar Klojen Malang. Warung ini bernama Surabi Imut. Sesuai namanya, warung ini menyediakan berbagai macam variasi kue serabi atau surabi. Salah satunya adalah Surabi Susu Coklat.
Want a snack? Maybe you can try this one snack. A few days ago I visited a shop that is located near Klojen market in Malang city. This point was named Surabi Imut. As the name implies, this shop provides a wide variety of serabi or pancakes or surabi. One is Surabi with Chocolate Milk.
Surabi atau serabi adalah camilan tradisional Indonesia yang berbentuk bundar. Biasanya serabi dimakan bersama kuah gula. Namun ada juga variasi surabi yang diberi berbagai macam topping seperti Surabi Susu Coklat. Surabi Susu Coklat terdiri dari kue serabi yang diberi susu coklat manis di atasnya. Rasanya manis. Tekstur serabi lembut. Enak. Cocok untuk camilan di siang hari atau malam hari.
Surabi or serabi or pancakes is a traditional Indonesian snack that has a round shape. Usually serabi/surabi eaten with sugar sauce. But there are also variations surabi given with variety of toppings like Surabi with Chocolate Milk. Surabi with Chocolate Milk consists of pancakes with sweet chocolate milk on it. It was sweet. Soft texture serabi. Delicious. Suitable for a snack during the day or night.
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Susu Coklat Panas Surabi Imut |
Belum lengkap jika makan Surabi Susu Coklat tanpa minuman. Saya pun memesan Susu Coklat Panas untuk menemani saya menikmati kue serabi ini. Harga satu porsi Surabi Susu Coklat Rp 2.500,-. Susu Coklat Panas Rp 2.500,-. Total untuk menikmati camilan ini Rp 5.000,-. Sangat murah bukan? Ingin mencoba? Datang saja ke Surabi Imut Klojen di jalan H.O.S Cokroaminoto Malang. Lokasinya tepat di depan Pasar Klojen. Selamat makan. ^^
The meal is not complete if eat Surabi with Chocolate Milk without a drink. So I also ordered a Hot Chocolate Milk to accompany me enjoy this snack. The price of a serving of Surabi with Chocolate Milk IDR 2.500, -. Hot Chocolate Milk IDR 2.500, -. Total to enjoy this snack IDR 5.000, -. Very cheap is not it? Want to try? Just come to Surabi Imut Klojen in HOS Tjokroaminoto street Malang. Its location right in front of the Market Klojen. Enjoy your meal. ^^
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