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Wedang Ronde |
Kali ini saya jalan-jalan ke daerah Ngagel Rejo Surabaya. Cuaca saat itu hujan rintik-rintik. Dingin. Saya butuh sesuatu yang hangat. Tapi apa? Tiba-tiba mata saya tertuju pada sebuah warung yang menyediakan minuman hangat khas Indonesia yang mungkin tidak ada di negara lain. Apa itu? Wedang Angsle dan Wedang Ronde. Tapi kali ini saya memesan Wedang Ronde karena saya kurang suka dengan Wedang Angsle. Haha.
This time I walk into Ngagel rejo Surabaya. The weather was light rain. It's cold. I need something warm. But what? Suddenly my eyes fixed on a shop that provides a typical Indonesian warm drink that may not exist in other countries. What is it? Wedang Angsle and Wedang Ronde. But this time I ordered Wedang Ronde because I do not like the Wedang Angsle. Haha.
This time I walk into Ngagel rejo Surabaya. The weather was light rain. It's cold. I need something warm. But what? Suddenly my eyes fixed on a shop that provides a typical Indonesian warm drink that may not exist in other countries. What is it? Wedang Angsle and Wedang Ronde. But this time I ordered Wedang Ronde because I do not like the Wedang Angsle. Haha.
Wedang Ronde adalah minuman hangat khas Indonesia yang terdiri dari air jahe hangat, gula, kolang-kaling, degan, kacang, mutiara sagu, dan bola ketan. Gula pas. Tidak terlalu manis. Hangat di tenggorokan dan hangat di perut. Cocok untuk menemani anda ketika suhu dingin menyerang. Patut dicoba.
Wedang Ronde is a typical Indonesian warm drink consisting of warm ginger water, sugar, grated coconut, degan, beans, sagu pearls, and sticky rice balls. Sugar fitting. Not too sweet. Warm in the throat and warm in the stomach. Suitable to accompany you while attacking cold temperatures. Worth a try.
Wedang Ronde is a typical Indonesian warm drink consisting of warm ginger water, sugar, grated coconut, degan, beans, sagu pearls, and sticky rice balls. Sugar fitting. Not too sweet. Warm in the throat and warm in the stomach. Suitable to accompany you while attacking cold temperatures. Worth a try.
Harga satu porsi Wedang Ronde ini hanya Rp 5.000,- saja. Murah kan? Tertarik mencoba? Langsung saja ke Warung Angsle & Ronde di jalan Ngagel Rejo Surabaya Indonesia. Selamat mencoba. ^^
The price of a portion of the Ronde Wedang only IDR 5,000, -. Cheap right? Interested in trying? Straight to the point on the road Angsle & Round Ngagel rejo Surabaya Indonesia. Enjoy your meal. ^^
The price of a portion of the Ronde Wedang only IDR 5,000, -. Cheap right? Interested in trying? Straight to the point on the road Angsle & Round Ngagel rejo Surabaya Indonesia. Enjoy your meal. ^^
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Warung Angsle & Ronde Ngagel Rejo |
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