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Bakso Kelurahan BTN Bontang |
Akhirnya saya pulang kampung juga. Haha. Tapi bukan berarti blog ini istirahat. Justru saya akan ngebahas jalan-jalan atau jajan-jajan di kota asal saya. Siapa tahu ada yang penasaran terus main-main kesini. Ke Bontang. Kalimantan Timur. Haha.
Finally I go home too. But that does not mean this blog break. Instead I will post many food in my home town. Who knew there was that curious keep playing games here. Bontang. East Kalimantan. Lol.
Oke kali ini saya iseng beli bakso di dekat rumah saya. Namanya Bakso Kelurahan. Lucu ya namanya? Entah asal nama itu darimana datangnya. Kalau menurut saya sih karena bakso ini dijualnya di kompleks kantor kelurahan. Haha. Baksonya besar-besar. Rasa daging sapinya cukup berasa. Cukup berbeda dengan beberapa jenis bakso yang pernah saya makan di jawa. Walau komposisi tepungnya masih cukup dominan. Kuahnya juga berasa. Enak kok. Ada pelengkapnya berupa tahu bakso dan mie kuning plus bihun. Lumayan lah buat ganjal perut. Tertarik?
Okay this time I bought Bakso or meatballs near my house. Stall name is Bakso Kelurahan. Funny how his name? Whether the origin of the name of where it comes from. In my opinion anyway because these meatballs sold at the village office complex. Lol. Large meatballs. Beef flavor is quite tasteless. Quite different from some kind of meatballs I've ever eaten in Java. Although the composition of the flour is still quite dominant. Broth also taste. Really tasty. There is a complementary form of know meatballs and vermicelli noodles plus yellow. Stomach was made passable wedge. Interested?
Okay this time I bought Bakso or meatballs near my house. Stall name is Bakso Kelurahan. Funny how his name? Whether the origin of the name of where it comes from. In my opinion anyway because these meatballs sold at the village office complex. Lol. Large meatballs. Beef flavor is quite tasteless. Quite different from some kind of meatballs I've ever eaten in Java. Although the composition of the flour is still quite dominant. Broth also taste. Really tasty. There is a complementary form of know meatballs and vermicelli noodles plus yellow. Stomach was made passable wedge. Interested?
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Bakso kelurahan |
Satu porsi bakso dihargai Rp 12.000,-. Kok mahal ya? Mungkin kalau di jawa sih harga segitu cukup mahal untuk semangkuk bakso. Tapi disini beda. Itu sudah termasuk murah. Gak percaya? Coba aja ke Bontang terus lihat harga makanan-makanannya. Haha. Tambah es teh manis Rp 3.000,- total jadi Rp 15.000,-. Ingin mencoba? Kalau lagi main-main ke Bontang Kalimantan Timur datang aja ke warung Bakso Kelurahan di jalan Abdul Rouf di depan kantor kelurahan.
One serving of meatballs is IDR 12.000, -. How expensive huh? Maybe if in Java anyway that price is quite expensive for a bowl of meatballs. But the difference here. That includes cheap. Do not believe? Just try to continue to see price Bontang his foods. Haha. Add sweet iced tea IDR 3.000, - total IDR 15.000, -. Want to try? Then again playfully come to Bontang East Kalimantan wrote to stall Meatball Sub Abdul Rouf on the street in front of the village office.
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