Nasi Pecel Mbak Ning |
Entah kenapa kali ini saya kangen jawa. Padahal baru aja beberapa hari di Bontang Kalimantan. Haha. Ya udah deh. Iseng makan nasi pecel aja. Tapi gak perlu bayar karena tinggal minta nyonya besar alias ibunda. Kenapa? Karena ibunda buka warung nasi di samping rumah. Lumayan icip-icip gratis. Haha.
Somehow this time I missed Java. Though just had a few days in Bontang Kalimantan. Haha. Fine. Now I want to eat Nasi Pecel. But do not need to pay as a great lady of the requested stay aka mother. Why? Because the mother open the rice shop next to the house. Free Taster passable. Haha.
akhirnya jadi minta (bukan pesan karena gratis) nasi pecel aja. Tapi ya
karena warung punya ibunda ya disuruh ambil-ambil sendiri. Katanya biar
gak manja. Ya udah langsung aja ambil porsi nasi pecel untuk harga yang
termurah. Nasi Pecel Telur Bali. Nasi pecelnya sih lumayan lengkap
karena selain sayuran rebus dan bumbu kacang ternyata masih ada tambahan
sambal goreng kentang plus oseng teri. Terus tinggal tambah terlor
bumbu bali plus tahu sama rempeyek. O iya rempeyeknya juga ada dua macam. Ada
rempeyek udang sama rempeyek kacang ijo. Rempeyek kacang ijo? Memangnya
enak? Enak lah. Buktinya saya ngambil lebih dari satu kali. Haha.
Okay so finally asked (not order cuz free) rice pecel. But because the shop had told to take the mother so take my own. I immediately take a serving or Pecel rice for the cheapest price. Rice Egg Pecel Bali. Rice pecel still quite complete because in addition to boiled vegetables and peanut sauce was still there plus extra sambal fried potato stir fry. Terlor added spice continues to live out the same plus bali peanut brittle. O yes rempeyek there are also two kinds. There are the same shrimp peanut brittle peanut brittle green beans. Pea peanut brittle? What do good? Tasty. Haha.
Okay so finally asked (not order cuz free) rice pecel. But because the shop had told to take the mother so take my own. I immediately take a serving or Pecel rice for the cheapest price. Rice Egg Pecel Bali. Rice pecel still quite complete because in addition to boiled vegetables and peanut sauce was still there plus extra sambal fried potato stir fry. Terlor added spice continues to live out the same plus bali peanut brittle. O yes rempeyek there are also two kinds. There are the same shrimp peanut brittle peanut brittle green beans. Pea peanut brittle? What do good? Tasty. Haha.
Warung Mbak Ning |
porsi Nasi Pecel Telur Bali ini dihargai cuma Rp 10.000,- loh! Itu
termasuk murah di daerah saya. Apalagi isiannya lengkap gitu. Nasinya
lumayan banyak, sayurnya juga lengkap, bumbu kacangnya pedasnya mantap
tapi sopan (halah), dikasih sambal goreng kentang plus oseng teri, telur
bumbu bali plus tahu, dan gak lupa yang wajib di nasi pecel yaitu
rempeyek. Mantap deh pokoknya. Jadi kalau lagi main ke Bontang Kaltim
atau memang tinggal di Bontang ya cari aja warung Mbak Ning di jalan
Pelanduk BTN PKT Bontang. Bukanya dari pukul 05.30WITA s/d 10.00WITA atau sampai nasinya
abis. Kok saya tahu? Ya karena saya juga ikut bantu-bantu jualan juga.
Kepaksa bangun pagi juga buat angkat-angkat masakan. Haha.
A serving of rice is appreciated Pecel Egg Bali only IDR 10.000, -! It is cheap in my area. Moreover, the complete contents so. Quite a lot of rice, vegetable too full, spicy peanut souce steady but polite, given plus potato stir fried sambal anchovies, egg flavor plus bali know, and do not forget the obligatory rice pecel is peanut brittle. So if you go to the Bontang East Kalimantan or indeed stay in Bontang you just look at the Mbak Ning stall in Pelanduk street BTN PKT Bontang. Enjoy your meal. ^^
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