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Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai |
Dingin-dingin jadinya pingin makan yang anget-anget. Yup waktunya nyari Coto Makassar. Tahu Coto Makassar? Itu loh salah satu jenis soto yang isinya daging dan jeroan sapi. Kenapa saya pingin nyari coto makassar? Karena Coto Makassar di Bontang memang enak-enak. Haha.
Cold weather make me want to east something hot. It's time find Coto Makassar. Coto Makassar? It was one of the tablets of the kind of soup meat and beef offal contents. Why I want to eat coto Makassar? Because Coto Makassar in Bontang indeed delicious. Haha.
Cold weather make me want to east something hot. It's time find Coto Makassar. Coto Makassar? It was one of the tablets of the kind of soup meat and beef offal contents. Why I want to eat coto Makassar? Because Coto Makassar in Bontang indeed delicious. Haha.
Kali ini saya coba main-main ke daerah Berbas. Dekat pasar Berbas. Setelah jauh berkelana (halah) akhirnya saya berhenti di sebuah warung yang selalu saya kunjungi bersama Babe saya ketika menunggu Ibunda masuk ke pasar Berbas. Haha. Coba pesan satu porsi coto tanpa hati. Karena saya lagi diet jadi menjauhi hati. Haha (gak nyambung juga sih). Taraa!! Tak lama menunggu sang pelayan sudah membawa pesanan saya. Satu porsi Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai. Kuahnya lebih putih dari yang biasa saya beli di jawa. Udah gitu kuahnya kental banget walau jadinya sedikit kasar di tenggorokan. Potongan daging dan jeroan sapinya juga banyak plus besar-besar lagi. Mantap deh. Lebih mantap lagi ditambahin kecap manis plus sambal. Enyak. Haha.
This time I tried to mess around Berbas area. Close to Berbas market. After much wandering I finally stopped at a shop I always go with my father while waiting for my mother that entry into the Berbas market. Lol. Taraa!! Not long to wait the waiter had taken my order. One serving Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai. Broth whiter than usual I bought in Java. I'm so very thick gravy even finished a bit rough on the throat. Pieces of meat and offal cow also many big plus again. Delicious. Haha.
This time I tried to mess around Berbas area. Close to Berbas market. After much wandering I finally stopped at a shop I always go with my father while waiting for my mother that entry into the Berbas market. Lol. Taraa!! Not long to wait the waiter had taken my order. One serving Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai. Broth whiter than usual I bought in Java. I'm so very thick gravy even finished a bit rough on the throat. Pieces of meat and offal cow also many big plus again. Delicious. Haha.
Satu porsi Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai bisa ditebus dengan harga Rp 25.000,-. Wow mahal juga ya? Tapi cukup sebanding lah dengan porsi potongan dagingnya. Harga segitu juga cukup normal sih di Bontang. Haha. Penasaran mencoba? Datang aja ke warung Coto Makassar/Konro Berbas Pantai di daerah Berbas Bontang. Saya lupa nama jalannya. Lokasinya ada di dekat sentra oleh-oleh Indo Niaga kok. Bisa dicari sendiri. Muhahaha. Selamat makan. ^^
One serving Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai can be redeemed at a price of IDR 25.000, -. Wow too expensive huh? But it is quite comparable to the one with the portion of the meat pieces. That price is also quite normal anyway in Bontang. Haha. Curious to try? Come to stall Coto Makassar / Konro Berbas Pantai in Berbas area Bontang. I forgot the name of the course. Its location is near the center or handycraft the Indo-Niaga market. Enjoy your meal. ^^
One serving Coto Makassar Berbas Pantai can be redeemed at a price of IDR 25.000, -. Wow too expensive huh? But it is quite comparable to the one with the portion of the meat pieces. That price is also quite normal anyway in Bontang. Haha. Curious to try? Come to stall Coto Makassar / Konro Berbas Pantai in Berbas area Bontang. I forgot the name of the course. Its location is near the center or handycraft the Indo-Niaga market. Enjoy your meal. ^^
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