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Tamagoyaki Sushimura |
Habis bahas mie ramen, sekarang bahas yang lain. Sushi. Ada yang tahu sushi? Sushi itu salah satu jenis makanan Jepang yang terdiri dari ikan dan sayur atau buah yang digulung dengan nasi. Kira-kira gitu deh penjelasannya. Haha. Nah yang kali ini saya pesan adalah Tamagoyaki Sushi. Apa itu Tamagoyaki Sushi? Ini adalah menu sushi yang terdiri dari telur dadar dan timun yang digulung dengan nasi dan nori alias rumput panggang. Selanjutnya diberi mayonaise dan sambal. Terakhir diberi serbuk kremesan. Mungkin namanya kurang tepat ya. Karena menurut saya sih yang namanya sushi yang digulung biasanya disebut sushi roll. Mungkin nama yang cocok tamago roll kali ya. Tapi gak apa lah. Tergantung kreasi sang pemilik warung. Haha.
Do you know sushi? Sushi was one type of Japanese food consisting of fish and vegetable or fruit that is rolled with rice. Well, this time my message is Tamagoyaki Sushi. What it Tamagoyaki Sushi? It is a sushi menu consisting of fried egg and cucumber rolled with rice and nori roasted aka grass. Furthermore, given the mayonnaise and chili sauce. Last tempura crumbs. Maybe the food name doesn't quite right Because I think that is her name anyway rolled sushi is usually called a sushi roll. Perhaps a fitting name tamago roll. But what was not. Depending creations stall owner. Lol.
Do you know sushi? Sushi was one type of Japanese food consisting of fish and vegetable or fruit that is rolled with rice. Well, this time my message is Tamagoyaki Sushi. What it Tamagoyaki Sushi? It is a sushi menu consisting of fried egg and cucumber rolled with rice and nori roasted aka grass. Furthermore, given the mayonnaise and chili sauce. Last tempura crumbs. Maybe the food name doesn't quite right Because I think that is her name anyway rolled sushi is usually called a sushi roll. Perhaps a fitting name tamago roll. But what was not. Depending creations stall owner. Lol.
Satu porsi Tamagoyaki Sushi ini bisa dinikmati dengan Rp 9.000,-. What?? Sushi cuma Rp 9.000,-?? Yup. Memang murah sih menurut saya kalau dibandingkan sushi sejenis. Mungkin sesuai juga dengan konsep warungnya yang bernama Sushimura. Haha. Rasanya gak kalah dari sushi sejenis yang harganya lebih mahal. Cobain deh. Keluarin aja Rp 20.000,- tuh. Lumayan udah dapat 2 porsi. Kalau di tempat lain cuma dapat 1 porsi aja tuh. Haha. Penasaran mencoba? Datang aja ke warung Sushimura di jalan Raya Semolowaru 42 Surabaya. Warung ini buka setelah magribh dan tutupnya sekitar jam 11 malam atau pas bahan masakannya abis. O iya kalau mau nyari warung ini bawa kendaraannya pelan-pelan aja. Kenapa? Karena warungnya kecil jadi gampang kelewatan. Haha.
One serving Tamagoyaki Sushi can be enjoyed with IDR 9.000, -. What?? Sushi only IDR 9,000, -?? Yup. It is still cheap in my opinion when compared similar sushi. May fit well with the concept of stall named Sushimurah. Lol. It feels kind of not losing of sushi that are more expensive. And if you spend IDR 20.000, - you can already get 2 servings sushi. If in other places only get one portion. Lol. Curious to try? Come to Sushimurah stall in Semolowaru street 42 Surabaya. Enjoy your meal. ^^
One serving Tamagoyaki Sushi can be enjoyed with IDR 9.000, -. What?? Sushi only IDR 9,000, -?? Yup. It is still cheap in my opinion when compared similar sushi. May fit well with the concept of stall named Sushimurah. Lol. It feels kind of not losing of sushi that are more expensive. And if you spend IDR 20.000, - you can already get 2 servings sushi. If in other places only get one portion. Lol. Curious to try? Come to Sushimurah stall in Semolowaru street 42 Surabaya. Enjoy your meal. ^^
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