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Paket KFC Snack Attack |
Surabaya. I HATE MONDAY. Banyak orang yang malas bertemu dengan hari Senin. Ada yang malas karena harus kuliah. Ada yang malas karena harus bekerja. Ada yang malas karena harus kembali bersekolah. Tapi berbeda dengan saya. Karena saya masih belum bekerja. Haha. Bercanda. Sebenarnya ada sesuatu yang membuat saya senang tiap Senin tiba. Apa itu? Tiap hari senin ada sebuah paket makanan murah dan enak yang saya tunggu-tunggu. Paket Snack Attack dari KFC / Kentucky Fried Chicken. Paket ini terdiri dari KFC Bento dan KFC Float. KFC Bento pernah saya jelaskan di BBQ Dan Tropical Float. Sedangkan KFC Float sendiri adalah minuman dari KFC yang terdiri dari berbagai macam jenis antara lain Mango Float, Tropical Float, Mocha Float, dan sebagainya. Semua minuman ini diberi soft ice cream di atasnya. Mungkin karena itu dinamakan KFC Float yang artinya diminuman itu ada yang mengambang yakni soft ice cream.
Surabaya. I HATE MONDAY. Many people are lazy met Monday. There are lazy because they have to study. There are lazy because they have to work. There are lazy because they have to go back to school. But unlike me. Since I still have not worked. Haha. Joking. Actually there is something that makes me happy every Monday arrived. What is it? Every Monday there is a package of cheap and tasty food that I've been waiting for. Snack Attack Package of KFC / Kentucky Fried Chicken. This package consists of KFC and KFC Float Bento. Bento KFC once I explain in BBQ and Tropical Float. Whereas own Float KFC KFC is a drink consisting of various types, among others, Mango Float, Tropical Float, Mocha Float, and so on. All of these drinks are given soft ice cream on it. Maybe because it's called KFC Float means that there is the soft ice cream float.
Paket yang saya pesan adalah Original Bento dan Mango Float. Original Bento terdiri dari nasi, irisan daging ayam goreng, dan saus original khas KFC. Rasanya enak dan porsinya cukup untuk mengganjal perut saya sampai makan malam tiba. Haha. Mango Float terdiri dari air soda, sirup mangga, nata de coco, dan soft ice cream. Rasanya enak dan menyegarkan. Harga normal untuk KFC Original Bento ini Rp 12.727,- ditambah ppn 10% menjadi Rp 14.000,-. Sedangkan harga Mango Float Rp 5.909,- ditambah ppn 10% menjadi Rp 6.500,-. Total untuk menikmati semua ini Rp 20.500,-. Itu harga normal. Sedangkan untuk Paket Snack Attack yang terdiri dari Original Bento dan Mango Float ini hanya Rp 10.000,- ditambah ppn 10% menjadi Rp 11.000,- saja. Wow! Murah kan jika dibanding harga normalnya? Tunggu apalagi? Langsung saja datang ke KFC terdekat dari lokasi anda. Selamat mencoba. ^^
I order is Original Bento and Mango Float package. Original Bento consists of rice, fried chicken cutlets, and the typical KFC original sauce. It feels good and the portions are enough to prop my stomach until dinner time arrived. Haha. Mango Float is composed of water, soda, syrup mango, nata de coco, and soft ice cream. It was nice and refreshing. The normal price for KFC's Original Bento IDR 12 727, - plus tax 10% to IDR 14,000, -. While the price of Mango Float IDR 5909, - plus tax 10% to IDR 6,500, -. Total to enjoy all of these IDR 20.500, -. That's the normal price. As for Snack Attack Package consisting of Original Bento and Mango Float is only IDR 10.000, - plus tax 10% to IDR 11,000, -. Wow! Cheap right? Just come to the location of your nearest KFC. Have a taste. ^^
I order is Original Bento and Mango Float package. Original Bento consists of rice, fried chicken cutlets, and the typical KFC original sauce. It feels good and the portions are enough to prop my stomach until dinner time arrived. Haha. Mango Float is composed of water, soda, syrup mango, nata de coco, and soft ice cream. It was nice and refreshing. The normal price for KFC's Original Bento IDR 12 727, - plus tax 10% to IDR 14,000, -. While the price of Mango Float IDR 5909, - plus tax 10% to IDR 6,500, -. Total to enjoy all of these IDR 20.500, -. That's the normal price. As for Snack Attack Package consisting of Original Bento and Mango Float is only IDR 10.000, - plus tax 10% to IDR 11,000, -. Wow! Cheap right? Just come to the location of your nearest KFC. Have a taste. ^^
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Itu kfc floatnya bisa sesuai kita mau pilih yang mana?
ReplyDeleteIya benar. Bebas mau pilih kfc float yg mana. he2
Deleteterimakasih infonya :)