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Soto Daging Madura H. Safik |
Kali ini saya berkunjung ke sebuah warung di jalan Arif Rahman Hakim Surabaya. Warung ini menyediakan makanan yang cocok dimakan di saat cuaca dingin. Apa itu? Soto. Soto itu apa? Soto adalah makanan khas indonesia yang terbuat dari kaldu daging dan sayuran. Daging yang sering digunakan dalam makanan ini adalah daging sapi dan daging ayam. Umumnya soto dihidangkan bersama nasi. Ada yang dihidangkan secara terpisah, ada yang dicampur bersama nasi. Ada juga yang dihidangkan bersama lontong. Apa itu lontong? Lontong adalah beras yang dibungkus dengan daun pisang lalu dimasak sampai matang dan mengeras. Beberapa daerah memiliki jenis soto yang khas dengan kandungan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Salah satunya adalah Soto Daging Madura.
This time I visited a stall in Arif Rahman Hakim street Surabaya. These stalls provide suitable food eaten during cold weather. What is it? Soto. What is it? Soto is a typical Indonesian food made from meat and vegetable broth. The meat is often used in food are beef and chicken meat. Generally soup served with rice. There are served separately, there is mixed with rice. There also are served with lontong. What is a lontong? Lontong is rice wrapped in banana leaves and cooked until soft and hardens. Some areas have a typical soup containing different from each other. One is the Soto Daging Madura.
This time I visited a stall in Arif Rahman Hakim street Surabaya. These stalls provide suitable food eaten during cold weather. What is it? Soto. What is it? Soto is a typical Indonesian food made from meat and vegetable broth. The meat is often used in food are beef and chicken meat. Generally soup served with rice. There are served separately, there is mixed with rice. There also are served with lontong. What is a lontong? Lontong is rice wrapped in banana leaves and cooked until soft and hardens. Some areas have a typical soup containing different from each other. One is the Soto Daging Madura.
Soto Daging Madura ini terdiri dari daging, babat, paru, dan usus sapi. Saya pikir dagingnya akan keras. Ternyata empuk. Kuah kaldunya enak. Bumbunya terasa. Rasa asinnya dominan. Apalagi dimakan ketika masih panas. Cocok untuk menghangatkan diri di pagi yang dingin atau saat hujan. Porsi dan potongan dagingnya juga lumayan besar. Saya pikir potongan dagingnya sama dengan soto madura yang pernah saya beli di gerobak. Cocok untuk saya yang suka makan daging. Haha.
Soto Madura meat is comprised of beef, tripe, lungs, and intestines of cattle. I think the meat will be tough. It turns soft. Tasty broth. Marinade tasted. Dominant salty taste. Moreover, eaten while still hot. Suitable for warming up cold morning or when it rains. Portions and pieces of meat is also quite large. I think the same piece of meat with soto Madura I have ever bought in the cart. Suitable for me who likes to eat meat. Haha.
Soto Madura meat is comprised of beef, tripe, lungs, and intestines of cattle. I think the meat will be tough. It turns soft. Tasty broth. Marinade tasted. Dominant salty taste. Moreover, eaten while still hot. Suitable for warming up cold morning or when it rains. Portions and pieces of meat is also quite large. I think the same piece of meat with soto Madura I have ever bought in the cart. Suitable for me who likes to eat meat. Haha.
Satu porsi Soto Daging Madura ini dihargai Rp 16.000,-. Nasi putih Rp 2.500,-. Teh hangat Rp 2.000,-. Total untuk menikmati Soto Daging Madura ini Rp 20.500,-. Cukup terjangkau bukan? Tertarik mencoba? Langsung datang saja ke Warung Soto H. Safik di jalan Arif Rahman Hakim 207 Surabaya Jawa Timur. Selamat mencoba. ^^
A serving of meat Soto Madura is priced at IDR 16,000, -. White rice IDR 2.500, -. Hot tea IDR 2.000, -. Total to enjoy meat Soto Madura IDR 20.500, -. Quite affordable right? Interested in trying? Directly come to the stall H. Soto Safik in Arif Rahman Arif Hakim street 207 Surabaya East Java. Enjoy your meal. ^^
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Warung Soto H. Safik |
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